Useful Information

What To Do After Tooth Extraction

What To Do After Tooth Extraction

  • After the tooth extraction, bite the sanitized gauze for 30 minutes. If the bleeding continues, replace the sanitized gauze with a fresh one.
  • Please do not spit. Light bleeding is normal after the extraction . Spitting will remove the blood clot which will increase the bleeding again and harm the healing process.
  • Do not consume anything for 2 hours after the tooth extraction.
  • Eat soft and warm food for 2 days.
  • Hot showers and activities like sports are not recommended on the same day.
  • Do not mouthwash often. If you need you can rinse very gently with a bit of water and be careful not to spit. Let the water flow out of your mouth slowly. 
  • You can take a painkiller when the effect of anesthesia decreases and you begin to feel pain. Thus, the painkiller will effect on the increase of pain.
  • Do not take medicine like Aspirin, Coraspin etc. which include acetylsalicylic acid. You can use other painkillers, if you do not have allergies or particular stomach conditions towards them.
  • Try to avoid chewing foods on the extraction site for at least one week. Avoid consuming food like rice, which may get stuck in the extraction cavity.
  • In the healing period, after the surgery, patients should quit smoking tobacco based products like cigarettes for 2 days. Otherwise the healing process can get affected and may create anomalies in the extraction area. 
  • Do not brush the extraction area, you can brush your other teeth to keep your mouth fresh and clean.
  • In case your doctor gave you a prescription, use it until it is completed.
  • It is not suggested to drink alcohol in the extraction day.
  • Contact your doctor if unexpected conditions and symptoms occur.